All disbelievers of Allah should revert to religion "Islam" for ending wars, poverty and illiteracy because all the creatures of nature are only under control of 'Allah' the God of Islam.
This is the only solution to help people of whole world to live with true peace of their mind, tranquility of their heart and harmony in their life because all people will become the follower of true religion 'Islam' of their Lord and God whose personal name is 'Allah'.
By writing and by voice, Allah has proved through nature in the 21st century that Allah is the only God who controls nature whereas the artificial gods could not do it and could not stop Allah. Therefore, all non-Muslims should use their intellect and enter Islam immediately so that....
Through this way, all disbelievers of Allah can be saved from their painful punishment after their death as it is clearly warned by Allah in His book (Holy Quran 3:91)
Why religion Islam only?
Because the nature earth is in Control of God of Islam only.