Challenge of the Holy Quran
The Holy Quran has been challenging since fourteen hundred years to the mankind and Jinn to create a Surah (at least in ten words) like the Holy Quran if they have doubt that the Holy Quran is not the words of Allah creator. If they did so then it will be proof that the Holy Quran is surely not the words of Almighty Allah and has created by Muhammad (peace be upon him) and then it will also be proof that the Religion Islam is not the right and truthful religion because its base is Holy Quran.
But if they did not do so then it will be proof that the Holy Quran is certainly words of Almighty Allah and the religion Islam is certainly the religion of Allah creator because this Religion’s base is holy Quran as it is mentioned above and then it will be necessary for disbelievers to faith on Holy Quran and on what said in it. It means that they enter in religion Islam completely unless they will enter in fire prepared for disbelievers whose fuel is of men and stones.
It is very wonderful that more than fourteen hundred years ago and there is no one in my knowledge who created a Surah like the Holy Quran while the holy book is in Arabic language and there were millions persons who knew this language very well but at this time also there are millions experts of Arabic language but they do not have ability to answer this challenge. Because this challenge is really from Almighty Allah whose knowledge is unlimited and the knowledge of any one from mankind or jinn is limited then how any one can answer this challenge?
So it has proved that the Holy Quran is surely the verses of Allah creator. What I have said in above about the Holy Quran and its challenge is not from mine but it is in these verses of the Holy Quran. Now you can study it with details.
Allah says in Surah no 17 Verse No 88
“Say: if the entire humans and jinns join together to produce anything like this Quran, they will not (be able to) come up with anything like it, even if they assist one another.”
This verse challenges to the mankind and jinn to produce a book like the Holy Quran. But no body could do so as yet.
Allah says in Surah no 11 Verse No 13, 14
“Do they say that he has fabricated it? Say (to them), then bring ten Suras like this, fabricated. And call whomsoever you can, other than Allah, if you are true. So, if they do not respond to your call, then be assured that it has been sent down with the knowledge of Allah and that there is no God but He. So, do you submit?”
In these verses challenge to mankind, jinn but other gods also (if they are) beside Allah to bring ten Surah fabricated only like the Holy Quran if they are truthful in their saying that the Holy Quran has fabricated from the messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). But if they could not do so then it will be proof that there is no any God beside Allah surely. Because this challenge is to all Gods also if they are beside Allah and it will be proof also that the Holy Quran is not fabricated from any one but it is surely verses of Almighty Allah and then they should enter in religion Islam and became a truthful Muslim.
It is very sorrow that the non-Muslims say about the Holy Quran that it is not the verses of Allah but they do not bring any proof on their saying and if Allah calls them to answer the challenge of Holy Quran they do not accept this challenge too?
Allah says in Surah no.10 Verse No 38.
“Or, do they say: that he has made it up? Say, then bring a Surah like this, and call whomsoever you can beside Allah, if you are true.”
In this verse is challenge to everyone to bring a Surah only like the Holy Quran if they have doubt that the Holy Quran is not the verses of Allah but they could not do so as yet.
Allah says in Surah No 2 Verse No 23, 24
“And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, (Muhammad) then bring a Surah similar to this, and do call your supporters other than Allah, if you are true. But if you do not-and you will never be able to-then guard yourselves against the fire, the fuel of which will be men and stones. It has been prepared for disbelievers.”
In these verses also is challenge to every one beside Allah to bring a Surah only if the disbelievers have doubt about the Holy Quran which revealed on holy prophet Muhammad son of Abdullah (peace be upon him). There is challenge also that they can not bring a Surah and there is threat to them also that they will enter fire if they do not accept the Holy Quran as verses of Allah.
Can you answer this Challenge?
My non-Muslim brothers and sisters you have studied the challenge of Holy Quran in above verses. So if you want to answer this challenge then produce a Surah like the Holy Quran at least in ten words only in Arabic language without copying the Holy Quran in words, meanings and knowledge’s and announce on the international forum that you have answered the challenge of the Holy Quran. The neutral and expert scholars of Arabic language in the world will check your produced Surah that it is like the Holy Quran or not.
If they will certificate you that your produced Surah is surely like the Holy Quran then it will be proof that the Holy Quran is not the verses of Allah. And it has fabricated from any one?
But if you could not do so and it is perfect that you will not do so then it will be proof that the Holy Quran is certainly the verses of Allah greatest and then it will be necessary for you to accept the Holy Quran as verses of Almighty Allah and enter in the religion Islam. Because the Holy Quran says that the religion Islam is only right religion in sight of Allah.
An advice to Non-Muslims
But my advice for you that do not waste your time and money in bring a Surah like the Holy Quran because fourteen hundred years ago and there is no body who have answered the challenge of Holy Quran and succeeded in it .So how will you succeed in bring a Surah like the Holy Quran? But there is proof in the history of Arabic language that some expert and famous poets of Arabic language were strived to create a Surah like the holy Quran but they were failed in it and accepted that this holy book is not the fabricated but it is surely the verses of Almighty Allah. So do not waste your time in create a Surah like the Holy Quran but faith on it and enter in Islam.
An another greatest proof on being the Holy Quran Verses of Allah Almighty
According to my research there are millions protected dead bodies of true Muslims and Martyrs in their graves under the earth in fresh and sleeping condition like the live persons without using any chemical on their dead bodies since centuries and ears. So I can say that these protected dead bodies are second proof on being the holy Quran verses of Almighty Allah. Because they were Muslims believed on Holy Quran and follower to it so Allah greatest satisfied from them and ordered to earth to protect their dead bodies.
Because it is sure that the earth itself has not capacity to protect the any dead body of mankind as we know that there is no any dead body of Christians, Jews and other disbelievers of Holy Quran. So it is certainly by the order of Almighty Allah and his pleasure. So we can say that the holy Quran is verses of Allah creator. I think if the holy Quran is not the verses of Allah surely but it was fabricated from any one then Allah did not satisfy from them and did not order the earth to protect their dead bodies as we see that the dead bodies of disbelievers and bad character Muslims have not protected under the earth because Allah creator is not satisfy from the non-Muslims because they are disbelievers of Holy Quran and from a majority of Muslims also because they are bad characters.
Please use your common sense too
Please use your common sense also to find out the reality that if the holy Quran is not the verses of Allah then why he has protected the dead bodies of those who are followers of this book because it is as respect for them and as miracle in the sight of public? So if they were followers of wrong and fabricated book he should disgrace them and be answered to challenge of this book has been coming since fourteen hundred years? But until this time nothing happened according my knowledge and study? So I think that this holy book is surely the verses of Almighty Allah. I am going to mention a very wonderful foretelling of holy Quran that will prove certainly that this book is surely the verses of Allah creator. That foretelling is that it was said in this book before fourteen hundred years that those Muslims who will be slain in the way of Allah they will not be dead but they will be alive and they will be provided the well food from Allah greatest but the mankind would not understand it that how they are like alive person and how they provided the food? That foretelling is described in holy Quran
Surah no 2 verse no 154
“And do not say of those who are slain in the way of Allah that they are dead. Instead, they are alive, but you do not perceive.”
And in Surah no 3 verse no 169
“And think not of those, who are slain in the way of Allah, as dead, rather, they are alive with their lord, well provided.”
The meaning of this verse is that Allah has prohibited the mankind to say about those Martyrs who are slain in the way of Allah that they are dead because they are alive but the mankind can not perceive that how they are alive? And they are well provided the food. I think that in these verses is three foretelling. The first is that they are alive. The second is that they are well provided the food from their Allah and the third is that we can not perceive that how they are alive?
Now we discuss on those Martyrs who are slain in the way of Allah that we find that all three foretelling in their protected dead bodies without use any chemical on their dead bodies in their graves under the earth in fresh and sleeping condition since centuries and years. Certainly I found that three foretelling because the dead bodies of them are alive and the proof on it is that their dead bodies are fresh as a live person, their blood of cut or injured is also fresh but the blood from one dead body of an companion of holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) began to blow when his hand was removed from hi cut. So we can say that they are alive. They are well provided the food because without it when our live body can not be fresh, healthy and alive then how they are fresh, alive and protected in the graves under the earth since centuries and years? So we should accept that they are surely provided the food from their Lord.
And the third foretelling is that we can not perceive that how they are alive? This is right also because we see all signs of life but can not perceive it obviously. Surely I do not tell a lie and I can prove what I have said above about the protected dead bodies. If I could not prove that it will be allow for every one to punish me hard and disgrace me on the electronic and print media.
My human brothers and sisters now you have studied the foretelling of the Islamic religious book the holy Quran whiff has been coming since fourteen hundred years and you have found 200% truth witness too. So it proved that the holy Quran is the verses of Almighty Allah and so I request you to use your common sense and research what I have said that you can satisfy yourselves about the holy Quran that it is the surely the verses of ALLAH AND ENTER THE RELIGIN ISLAM THAT YOU CAN SUCCEED HEREATER TOO.
This is NOT a Magic or Magical Tricks or Sorcery
This is not a magic or magical tricks or sorcery that you can reject or refuse what I have said above about the millions protected dead bodies of Muslim martyrs and other true Muslims in their graves under the earth since centuries and years but it is a reality and truthful event because there are many ways to verify that the dead bodies are surely protected or no. The first way is that take a machine which made for see under the earth to 10 fit and go the their graves by machine which made for see in the earth that in these graves dead bodies are protected or no? Similarly check the all cemeteries of your country and count these protected dead bodies and then go the any second country in the world and do so as I have mentioned above. After finish the checking in second country go to third and so. By this way check the all Muslim cemeteries in all countries in world. After complete this work you will find that what I have said is right and truthful reality.
The second way for this purpose is that go the all cemeteries of Muslims of all countries in world and meet the all sextons of all Muslim cemeteries and ask to them that how much you know about the protected dead bodies of Muslims and their events ? What they say record it and count it and do so in all countries of world. By this way also you can satisfy about what I have said.
The third way is that you contact the foreigner ministry of Saudi Arab government and ask from them about the protected dead bodies of Muslim martyrs and other muslins the will inform you about it because they have record about it.
The fourth way for this purpose is that come in a group with media I will take you those thousands persons who have seen the protected dead bodies in their graves by their eyes and they will describe in front of you what they have seen that you can satisfy about what I have said because they all will not tell a lie.
The fifth way is that come to me with a group I will show you protected dead bodies of Muslims by opening their grave but there are two steps the first is you all will be Muslims and second is that you will inform the all mankind by electronic and print media and by the international forum about your eye witnesses and about your entering in religion Islam.
The fifth way for this purpose is that study the events of protected dead bodies of Muslims by open mind and heart and request to your god that he guide you about these events that these are right or wrong? You will feel that these events are surely right.
The sixth way of this purpose is that it is known among the people that there many scholars and conjurers in all religions who have some knowledge by which they can confirm you about what I have said about the millions protected dead bodies of those who are slain in the way of Allah and other Muslims in their graves under the earth without use any chemical on their dead bodies since centuries and years.
There is NO protected dead body of Jews and Christians
According to my research and knowledge in the light of the holy Quran there is no any dead body protected of Jews and Christians and other religious men and women who hide the dead bodies in the graves under the earth without use any chemical on their dead bodies in fresh and sleeping condition since coming the religion Islam completely or since the time of last holy prophet of Allah Muhammad son of Abdullah before the fourteen hundred years to yet? If yes please inform me I will be very thankful for you. Yes there are some dead bodies of them but it has used the chemical on their dead bodies and after that also they are not in fresh and sleeping condition like alive persons as we have said about the dead bodies of Muslims.
There is a question in my heart and mind neutrally that religion Jews and Christians and the other all religions (in which they hide their dead bodies like the Muslims) if are rightful religions and loved to Allah greatest (who is only one and creator of the all universe) then why the any dead body of it’s followers, has protected in earth without use any chemical on his dead body like the religion Islam that there are at least millions protected dead bodies of it’s true followers named Muslims as I have mentioned above?
Is from them no any follower who is lovely person to Allah greatest since the coming religion Islam to yet? I think that these religions are really wrong and cancelled so its followers are also not the lovely persons to the Almighty Allah. Therefore there is no any protected dead body of them in the earth because (I have proved it above) that this protection is not by the earth but it is by the powerful Allah whose obey the earth, sky and all things between them. So I request to ask your religious scholars about that why there is no any protected dead body from you and why there are millions protected dead bodies of Muslims if you have faith on a life hereafter also and want to succeed in it?
There is NO protected dead body of Hindus
According to my research and knowledge there is no any protected dead body of Hindu religion and those who burn the dead body in the fire until the dead body be reduced or spill in the water. It is never happened since coming the religion Islam that they burned their dead bodies but any dead body could not burn or they spilled their dead bodies in the river or sea and any dead body could not decay and became protected forever?
But I have record that a Hindu when his relative persons began to burn his dead body in the fire he could not burn. Then the Muslims of his village said that it is possible that he may be a Muslim therefore he could not burn in fire so let us to research about him.
They went to his home to see the signs of any Islamic signs in his home. They found a carpet for saying prayers on and a string of beads which uses it a Muslim for praising the Allah greatest. Then the Muslims announced that this was not a Hindu really but he was he was a Muslim because he was prayed to the God according the religion Islam but he did not open it so his relative persons could not know it.
Then the Muslims demanded from His Hindu relatives to allow them to hide him in the grave according the teaching of religion Islam. They agreed them and they did so.
About this event told me a Muslim named Hayder in CPLC head office in Nazimabad Karachi in front of a Muslim named Mahmood .He said me that he can prove it in village named Gujjar in Rawalpindi Pakistan. This event prove that there the true Muslim can not burn in fire also by the order of Allah Almighty. There is not only one event that I depend on it but it is for example. At last I request from Hindu brothers and sisters that they ask to their Hindu religious scholars that why the any dead body of Hindu protected in the fire or water while there are millions protected dead bodies of Muslim Martyrs and true Muslims in their graves under the earth without use any chemical on their dead bodies in fresh and sleeping condition since centuries and years? I think that their scholars would not answer this question because what I have said is a reality. If they could not answer then understand that the religion Hindu is wrong and the religion Islam is only right so it is necessary for them to enter in this religion that they can succeed in the life hereafter.
Also I request from them that if they have any doubt on my research and what I have said above then they can reject my saying and proofs by showing any dead body of Hindu protected. If they could not show any Hindu protected dead body and they never do so then they should announce about it among the Hindu people too that they can also enter in Islam.
What will you say about those Muslims
What will you say about those Muslims whose dead bodies have protected in their graves under the earth in fresh and sleeping condition without use any chemical on their dead bodies since centuries and years that they are Successful in this world and hereafter also or no? I think that your answer will be yes. Because it is perfect that the earth has not capacity to protect the dead bodies as we see that there are a majority of corrupt Muslims and non-Muslims also whose dead bodies have not protected under the Earth and their dead bodies start to decay in some weeks only.
So Allah is the greatest protector of the dead bodies of some Muslims under the Earth. It is really as a miracle for the non-Muslims and other corrupt Muslims that they can learn a lesson from their protected dead bodies if they want and these events are proof also that Allah is pleasure and satisfy from their faith on holy Quran and good acts according the religion Islam and protection their dead bodies is a sign for their realities and friends that they are successful in this world and will be successful hereafter too that they can feel pleasure and happiness and do not think about them that how they will be after the death in their second life? Because when his Allah greatest protects their dead bodies in this world while it is an impossible doing we can hope that He will help them in another world also and He will not punish them.
Is it enough for wise men and women
I think that it is enough for wise men and women to know that what religion is right and what is cancelled by the greatest Allah or changed by the mankind because when it has proved above by the challenge of holy Quran and protected dead bodies of millions true Muslims that holy Quran is surely verses of Allah greatest. Then we should ask to this holy book that which religion is right and loved to Allah creator? And then we should faith on it and pass our lives according to it. So when we asked to this holy about it then it said in
Surah no 3 verse no 19
“Truly, the (recognized) religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.”
So it cleared that the religion Islam is only the rightful religion to Almighty Allah but the holy Quran declared also in another verse that the except religion Islam there is no any religion acceptable in the sight of Allah creator and all those who will follow the religion except they will loser them hereafter in second life which begins after the close eyes forever. Please study the
Surah no 3 verse no 85 no 85
“Whoever seeks a faith other than Islam, it will never be acceptable from him, and he, in the hereafter, will among the losers.”
Also there is not any example in the world history that any dead body of any follower of any religion except Islam has protected under the earth since centuries which could be a practical proof that this religion is right? If any follower of any religion want accepts this challenge please inform us by our Email or electronic or print media and proof that dead body in front of public on international forum.
But I think that no any one who will accept this challenge because according the holy Quran after Islam all religions have cancelled and Allah has announced that he is not happy from any religion except Islam. So no any dead body of disbeliever can be protected under the earth without use any chemical on their dead body.
Because it has conformed that the earth has not capacity to protect the any dead body in her and it is only by the pleasure of Allah and his order. So Allah will not protect any dead body of disbelievers because he is angry from them and their religions.
The Earth is a best laboratory for test the right or cancelled religion
The Earth is as a best laboratory for test the right or cancelled religion from various religions in world. Because there is no any other reliable and sure way to know that which religion is right? If you will say that we should ask about it to the all religious and holy books in world I will say that this way is not acceptable to the all mankind because it is perfect that all person will say then that his religious book is right and other religious books are wrong as we see at this time in the world for example Muslim says that the Holy Quran is the book of Allah and this book is right only and other religious books, Torah for Jews, Injeel for Christians and other books were changed by the mankind so that all are cancelled as it has mentioned in Holy Quran. Similarly the Christian, Jews and Hindu etc also have doubt about the Holy Quran that this is the surely the verse of Almighty Allah or fabricated by any one? I will not go in details at this time .I think you have understood what I want to say that every one will support his religious book and will reject to other books. In this situation how we can ask the religious books about the right or cancelled religion in world and how the people will accept this way and how they will satisfy too? So this way is not reliable for test the right religion.
The best, reliable, and undeniable test of all religions is that since coming religion Islam completely means since fourteen hundred years until this time we will research about the protected dead bodies (without used any chemical on them) of followers from all religions. Which religions followers dead bodies will be protected it will be proof that this religion is right and lovely to Allah and which religions followers dead bodies will be not protected it will be proof that this religion is not right to Almighty Allah.
There are some religions in which the order is to hide the dead bodies of its followers in the graves under the earth and that is the religions of Jew, Christian, Islam and other. When we researched neutrally we found that there are at least millions protected dead bodies in their graves under the earth without used any chemical on their dead bodies since fourteen years of followers of religion Islam and there is no any protected dead bodies without used any chemical on their dead bodies of followers of the religion Jew, Christian and others.
So it proved that the religion Islam is rightful religion to the Allah creator and the religions Jew, Christian and other are cancelled religions to Allah creator. This protection is by the pleasure of Almighty Allah and his order to the earth. If we will say that this protection is by the Allah Almighty then it will be proof to being the religion Islam lovely to Almighty Allah and if you will say that this protection is by the earth then it will be proof also that the religion Islam is rightful religion, because the earth protected its followers dead bodies under it. We can not reject this proof because the earth is not the enemy of any religion or partisan but it is as a neutral judge, therefore it did not protect the dead bodies of bad character Muslims but it let them decay.
There are some religions in which is order to burn the dead bodies of its followers in the fire until they be reduced or order to spill them in the river or sea and that is the religion Hindu and others. When we researched we did not find any dead body of its followers protected without used any chemical on their dead bodies and no any dead body who could not burn in the fire or could not decay in the water. So it proved that these religions are also cancelled and not the lovely religion to Allah who have created this universe. If the Hindu says that if they will hide their dead bodies in the graves under the earth they will be also protected then it is allow for them also to do so that they choose the top hundred Hindus scholars and give their complete name, father names, complete address, and their contact mobile or phone no to the United Nations that they can watch them, and after their death they can check their dead bodies protected in earth or no? After three months only the team of the United Nations will check their dead bodies. If they will find their dead bodies protected then it will be proof that Hindu religion is also the rightful religion and then we will follow to this religion also, but we will announce by the electronic and print media on the international forum that the Hindu religion is right, and I think it will be very useful for this religion. But if the team of United Nations could not find any protected dead body of them, then it will be accepted from the Hindu followers on the international forum that the Hindu religion is surely the cancelled religion to Allah creator.
We Muslims also will choose the hundred top scholars of us and we will give their names, father names, complete address, and their contact mobile or phone no to the United Nations that they can watch them, and after their death (after three months only) they can check their dead bodies that they are protected or no?
(It is challenge from me that they will find surely some of them dead bodies protected). If they could not find any dead body protected then it will be proof that the religion Islam is not the rightful religion and if they will find some dead bodies of them protected then it will be proof also that this religion is surely the rightful religion to Allah creator.
I invite every one to test their religion
There is a question that why I invite everyone to test their religion? The answer this question is that my faith is in light of holy Quran and mankind history that all mankind is indeed from a first man Adam and his wife Hawa (peace be upon them) . So the mankind by this way is as brothers and sisters among them. This is fact also that there is another world after death of mankind. The proof of that another world is that we see in our sleeping condition our Father, Mother, friends and other persons that talking to us, guiding us while they have died? Some of them say to us that they are in pleasure and some of them say to us that they are in problems. So if there is no another world then from whom we meet and talk in our sleeping conditions while they had died? Can we say that it is false and has no any reality? No, we can not say that because it is truthful and undeniable reality. So there is a world also except this world where we live in. When it cleared that there are two worlds. The pleasure and success in both two worlds is by the pleasure of Allah, and his pleasure indeed will for those whose faith and acts will be according the guidance of Allah.
I want pleasure and success in both two worlds for me and for all the mankind because they are my brothers and sisters as I have described above. I have researched that it will be possible when we will follow the religion which is the right and loved to Allah.
When I researched I found that religion Islam only is right and truthful religion to Allah. So it is my duty that I inform to my other brothers and sisters about my research that they can also succeed in this world and after their death too.
So I invite the mankind to check their religion and I have described the best and truthful way for checking also if they have not believe on my research.
Which religion is right and loved to Allah
When it has cleared by the undeniable proofs that the holy Quran is surely verses of Allah then I asked to holy Quran that which religion is right and loved to Allah creator among the various religions in the world. The holy Quran answered this question in
Sarah no 3 verse no 19:
“Truly, the (recognized) religion in the sight of Allah is Islam”.
In this verse Allah has cleared that the religion Islam is rightful and loved religion to Allah. But in another verse Allah has rejected all religions also and threatened to those persons who seek other religions except religion Islam as it said in
Sarah no 3 verse no 85:
“And whoever seeks a faith other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and he, in the hereafter, will be among the losers.”
By this verse all religions have cancelled except Islam. So we can say certainly that religion Islam is only the right and truthful religion to Almighty Allah.
Why the religions before the Islam have cancelled?
According to my research and thinking in the light of holy Quran teaches all religions before the Islam has changed by the mankind after passing thousands years because Allah has not promised to protect those religions forever and was for short and limited period only.
Therefore there are many messengers of Allah from the first man and first prophet Adam (peace be upon him) to prophet messiah son of Mary, and there are many differences among their religious teaches. The reason of these differences is that orders of Allah and his guidance had reached to prophets slowly in different parts.
So when the religion Islam has completed by the last prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Allah has cancelled all those religions before it. The proof of this is in
Surah no 3 verse no 85
“Whoever seeks a faith other than Islam, it will never be acceptable from him, and he, in the hereafter, will among the losers.”
And the proof that all religions before the Islam has changed by the Mankind as saying of Allah in
Surah no 5 verse no 75
“The Masih, son of Maryam, is no more than a messenger. There have been Messengers before him. His mother was very truthful. Both of them used to eat food. Look how we explain signs to them, then see how far they are turned away.”
This verse only is the greatest and undeniable proof against all changed or cancelled religions because in all religions except Islam is concept of worshiping the mankind and it is wrong because the worship should be only for Allah not for mankind but for any prophet too. Because they are from us (although they are saint righteous) and the proof on it is that they need to use the eat food as it said about the messenger Masih (peace be upon him) who have need to eat food. So the all religions are cancelled because in all is worshiping the mankind not for Almighty Allah who created this universe.
And in this verse is proof also that Masih is a messenger only as other messengers. Because he and his mother Maryam used to eat earthly food, so they can not God or part of Got because those who will use the eat food they can not God. Because it is sure that Allah has no need to eat earthly food.
Because the purpose of eating food is enjoyment or to feed the body (which is based on blood, bones, flesh and soul) and Allah is free from all these things. So we can say that the Masih is not a God or son of God as he had the body of a normal human being and as he used to eat food. So we have known that the religion Christians has changed by the mankind and therefore it has cancelled by Almighty Allah. Because in this religion is concept that Masih son of Maryam is Allah or son of Allah. The messenger Masih and his mother Maryam both they used to eat food. So the Masih can not be God or son of God because it is surely that the Allah does not need to eat earthly food .The proof of it is that He has not the body like mankind as it has mentioned in above and the Holy Quran says also in
Surah no 6 verse no 14:
“say, would I take as guardian someone other than Allah Who is the creator of the heavens and the earth, and Who feeds others, and is not fed by anyone?”
In this verse clearly Allah has said that He has not need to eat earthly food. So it has cleared that religion Christians has changed by the mankind so it cancelled by the Almighty Allah and therefore Allah is not Happy from those who follow this religion as it has mentioned in above verse. According to my knowledge and research in all religions before the Islam is concept to worshipping the mankind or demons which is wrong and very bad to Allah. Please study the
Surah no 5 verse no 75 :
“and think. You will see that Allah how is angry on those who has faith on worship of mankind or other things?”
So Allah has cancelled the all religions before the Islam and ordered to the mankind and demons to follow this religion Islam only forever. Allah says in
Surah no 5 verse no 17 :
“Certainly, infidels are those who say : Allah is Masih, son of Maryam , Say : who then has the power to do anything against Allah, if he wills to eliminate the Masih son of Maryam and his mother and all those on earth?”
This verse clearly has rejected the worshipping the messenger Masih son of Maryam.
The saint Masih and his saintly mother in Holy Quran
There is no doubt that son of Maryam messenger Masih was a very powerful saint by the mercy of God and his permission. I would like to mention some verses of holy Quran that you can judge that how the holy Quran respect him and his power. But after it all he was not a God or son of God but He was a messenger only like Noah and Abraham.
Allah says in
Surah 3 verse no 45 , 46 :
( remember the time ) when the angels said : O Maryam, Allah gives you the good news of a word from Him , whose name is Masih, Isa , the son of Maryam , a man of status in this world and in the hereafter, and one of those who are near ( to Allah).”
He shall speak to people while (he is still) in the cradle, and also later when he is in mature age, and he shall be one of the righteous.
Allah says in
Surah no 5 verse no 110 :
“(call to mind the time) when Allah will say : o Isa, son of Maryam, remember my blessing on you and upon your mother , when I supported you with the holy sprit you spoke to people when you were still in the cradle and when you grew to middle age. I taught you the book and wisdom, the Torah, and the Injil. You created from clay something in the shape of a bird by my leave, then you blew on it, and it became a bird by my leave. And you cured those born blind and lepers by my leave. And you raised the dead body by my leave. and I kept away the children of Israel from ( harming ) you when you came to them with clear signs, and the disbelievers among them said, This is nothing but a clear magic.”
In above verses you have studied the many dads of messenger Masih son of Maryam but its all were by the permission of God. So how any body can say that he was a god or part of God? If you accept that holy Quran is really verses of God Almighty then you will accept also what it said in above and if you will not accept the Holy Quran as verses of God then read the challenge of the Holy Quran in above and answer its challenge please.
Religion of Jews in Holy Quran
As the religion of Christians have cancelled by the God as we have studied in above the religion of Jews have cancelled also. Because in this religion also is the concept of worshiping mankind as Allah says in
Surah no 9 verse no 30 And the Jews say :
“Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah, and the Christians say : the Masih (the Christ) is the son of Allah . That is their oral statement. They imitate the saying of the earlier disbelievers. May Allah ruin them? How far they turned back from the truth!”
Please think in this verse you will find the reason by which has cancelled the religion Jews. There is no doubt that Ezra was a saint and messenger of Allah but he was not a son of God and he was from mankind and used to eat earthly food then how we can say that he is a son of God? Because it is perfect that the god does not have body that require earthly food to remain fresh. So our common sense says that his son also will not need to use eat earthly food? Because it is necessary that God and his son (if he has) should be same in body and in eating, drinking etc? But we see here that there are many differences between the God and messenger Ezra. I will not go in details at this time because all persons who have knowledge and wisdom will know what differences are between the mankind and between the Gods. So it is certainly impossible that Ezra (peace be upon him) is a son of God.
The religions except Christians and Jews in Holy Quran
Islam prohibits the following of any religion besides Islam. Islam was the religion of Adam and Eve and will always be the only religion of the entire mankind. Because in holy Quran it has been clearly mentioned the principles of all things not details of all things.
So when the holy Quran has said that messenger messiah is not God or son of God because he used to eat earthly food. Then it is a principle that all those who will use the eat food they can not be God or son of God. So all religion that follow the worshipping of humans or any other living or non-living thing are even not acceptable in Islam. All other religions be it Christianity or Jew religion are no substitute to the religion Islam that is the only religion of mankind.
No doubt that in religion Islam is respect of all those mankind who are saint and loved to Allah as all messengers from first man Adam to last messenger of Allah Muhammad that they are very respectful and they were gifted the spiritual power and miracles from almighty Allah .But even after all this they are not God or a son of God.
The concept of God in religion Islam
The concept of God in Islam is mentioned briefly in
Surah no 112 please study it naturally. Allah says:
“say: The truth is that Allah One, Allah is besought of all, needing none. He neither begot anyone, and nor was he begotten. And equal to Him never been any one.”
My non Muslim brothers and sisters this is the introduction of Allah very shortly. But I want to describe some details in light the Holy Quran. But I want to describe the religion of Islam in the light of the Holy Quran.
Allah is one and he has no partner. He has been forever, even before this world came into existence and even when everything will vanish he will still be there. His existence is free from all human necessities. He is the creator of this universe; he created mankind from mud, demons from fire and angels from light. He has created life within a life and is the creator of everything in this universe. This knowledge is unlimited. No one can posses these characteristics and therefore we should only worship Allah, as he is the creator of everything and is our LORD. And worshipping of any other living or non-living thing is forbidden in Islam. It is forbidden to worship anyone besides Allah and also to associate some one with him. He is free from any relations and worldly needs. I pray to Allah that me he lead us all to the right path and also to give us enough Common sense that we start to judge what is right and wrong. I think that no any one who can say that this introduction is fit for any one from mankind or angles or demons? So it is right for Allah that he should be worshipped only and it is right that all religions in which is concept of worshipping to any one except Allah is wrong or cancelled.
It is very stranger that we say about any body that he is a God or son of God and say about him also that he uses the eating things because then we will accept that he has need to go to discharge the food too? I think it is very bad but insult him. Therefore Almighty Allah has cancelled the all religions in which is concept of worshiping the mankind or angles or demons etc. I pray to Allah that he give his guidance and common science to all persons. Amen.
The story of two protected dead bodies
In the book of Urdu language named Jahan-e-deedah published by Edaratul maarif Jamia Darul Uloom Korangi Karachi Pakistan and written by the farmer Chief Justice Shariah Court and famous Muslim scholar in the World respected Moulana Muhammad Taqi Usmani has mentioned on page 56 the stories of two dead bodies of companions of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) .one is Hozefah son of Yaman (R.A.) and second is Abdullah son of Jabir (R.A.). This story was published in newspapers in The World. For details Please see that book.
In that book is other two companion’s dead body story also and I have also the records of many true Muslim, s protected dead bodies but I do not like to go in details at this time. If I need to mention that all details or public demand then I will mention in this that dead bodies records with details in this document by the mercy of Allah. So I am mentioning this time only one story of two dead bodies of companions.
In 1929 the king of government of Iraq saw in his dream again and again these two companions informing him that water is reaching to their graves. The king decided to the religious Muslim scholars about open their graves for research that information.
Those Muslim scholars allowed him to open their graves. Then king announced that the graves of two companions of last prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) will be opened and transferred to Mosque Salman (R.A.) and he fixed the date for it. At that date their graves opened while there were millions Muslims and non-Muslims to see this event. The government had arranged camera for the people who could see this event easily by screens. It is very wonderful that when opened their graves their dead bodies were protected and their shroud and were also protected.
A non-Muslim eye specialist said that their eyesight is as the light of live person and he entered in religion Islam at that time and other many non-Muslims also entered in Islam. Because it was the miracle and eye witness that religion Islam is really a truthful and loved to Allah creator and can not be any proof more powerful than this event and no any body could deny it. So they entered in Islam.
There are many cancelled religions
Because there are many cancelled religions in the World and all its followers’ opponent that their religion is only right and loved to Allah. By this situation the public is confused. Because they know that the truthful and right religion can be only one. The reason of this is that Allah is surely one because there is no partition in the sky, sun, moon, stars, earth etc and systems of this universe. If there was any other God besides Allah then they would have been partnership among all things in the Universe. But there is no partnership so Allah is only one really and then it should be also that his loved and understood religion should be only one too.
Allah has forbidden the worshiping of any other God and the practice of any other religion other then Islam. Many battles have taken place amongst people in the past based on the conflict of which religion is the best. Therefore Allah has ordered all mankind to follow the religion Islam.
So reality is that right and understood religion should be only one and that is the religion Islam only which basis is Holy Quran.
Religions before the completed Islam
According teaches of the Holy Quran starting of religion Islam is from first prophet and first man Adam (peace be upon him) as it said in
Surah no 3 verse no 33, 34:
“Verily, Allah has chosen, Adam and Nuh (Noah) and the family of Ibrahim and the family of Imran over all the worlds a progeny some of whom resembles the others (in faith). Allah is all-hearer, all- knower”
There is no doubt about it that the prophet Ibrahim was pure Muslim as it said in
Surah no 3 verse no 67:
“Ibrahim was neither a Jew, nor a Christian, but he was upright a Muslim, and was not one of those who associate partners with Allah.”
So we can say that first prophet Adam was also Muslim and follower to religion Islam because the Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, and his family were preferred. So I have said above that starting of religion Islam is from Adam (peace be upon him) to Isa (son of Maryam peace be upon him) but the religion Islam was yet uncompleted. It completed by last prophet Muhammad son of Abdullah as Holy Quran says in
Surah no 5 verse no 3:
“Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and have completed my blessing upon you, and chosen Islam as Deen (religion and a way of life) for you.”
So religions before the complete Islam were uncompleted and for a limited period because the teaching of Islam revealed on prophets slowly in parts that mankind can obey it. So it will be said that religions before the Islam were uncompleted and it completed by the last prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). For example a child when he was born his dress will be prepared to size his body. His body will progress slowly and after five years his body will not be able to wear that childhood dress so his dress also will be long as his body. After passing a long period his body will not progress and will stay on a limited length. At that time his dress size also will be fixed and he will not need to change the dress size because the body has completed.
Like to the body the religion Islam was as a child at the time of holy prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and it’s teaches also were shorts and uncompleted. At the time of holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) it became as a complete young and it teaches also completed and cancelled all religions before the Islam. So Allah the greatest said now I have completed Islam as mentioned above.
So when we strengthen our faith in Allah and his religion and the teachings of the Holy Quran, so He enlightens our soul and does what is best for us as he is the creator of this universe and knows what is the best thing.
There is only one way for peace in this world
The only way for peace in this world and success after death (in another world) for jinn and mankind is to accept the religion which is loved to Allah creator. Because when mankind and jinn will not obey to Allah he will not give his pleasure and peace and then we will in troubles and agony in this world and hereafter too.
There is a question that how we will obey to Allah?
The answer this question is very easy that Allah has said us in his verses that religion Islam is right and loving religion to him. So when we will enter in the Islam and follow it Allah will give us his pleasure and happiness. Without it, it is impossible that peace will be in the world forever. And the proofs that religion Islam is the only right and loved religion to Allah is challenge of the holy Quran since fourteen hundred years to all mankind and jinn and every one beside Allah to create a Surah like the holy Quran but they could not do so as yet and second proof is protected dead bodies of millions truthful Martyrs of religion Islam and other Muslims in their graves under the earth in fresh and sleeping condition without use any chemical on their dead bodies since centuries and years.
This is the greatest proof of truth of religion Islam because the earth has not capacity to protect any dead body. So this event indicates us that it all from Allah creator that we can judge about Islam that it is a right and truthful religion surely. So we all mankind should be enter in Islam that Allah creator can give us the peace in this world and protect us in the graves under the earth too.
An advice to United Nations
According to my research reality is that all dreadful and dangerous wars had happened between countries were religious wars and at this time also this religious wars are continue in the world but if I say that in future also these religious wars will be continue it will be not wrong.
So I give an advice to united nations that if you like to save the world from destruction of wars please establish a religious united nations also (and it is easy to you) which duty will be research the right and truthful religion near to Allah among various religions because the creator of this world is only one because the system of this world is also only one from forever. So our common sense and knowledge says that it is perfect also that the rightful religion should be also only one. After research that only one rightful religion please inform the all mankind in world by the electronic and print medias that all mankind can satisfy from that religion and accept that and by this way we can secure the world from the dangerous wars.
The way of research
The way of research by that religious United Nations is that you will take at least 10 expert religious persons from all religions and they will give hundred percent truthful and undeniable proofs about any one religion that it is rightful, loved, and perfected religion near to Almighty Allah. And then the proofs of that religion will be produced in front of all mankind in this world by the electronic and print media and the public would be asked questions about that religion and also they would be given a chance to give their opinion about that religion too. I think that this way is very easy for peace in this world and success after death too. Without it, it is impossible because according to my research the reason of all wars is only deference among the right and cancelled religions. So when we will not end this religious deference from the world it you will not succeed in making the world peaceful. So I request you to use your sources and power for serve the mankind and save the world from destruction. If you will do so the creator of this universe and creatures will very happy from you and will give you His pleasure hereafter also when your (and all persons also) eyes will be closed forever and then you will be alone under or any where. So please do this that the mankind will remember you in their prayers forever. If you succeeded in establish a religious united nations and researched the rightful religion you and your team will be alive forever and I the world will be very thankful to you.
Because there is no any work important in my thinking but you will be agree also if you will think in alone about the situation of world after ten years and see the situation of this time. Do you not know that there are many bombs has made in the world? And do you not know that all things will be made it will be used surely? Then think if the wars began in the world then what will you do? At last I say you that if you did not act on my advice then your united nations will remember me when the world will full from the worst situations and I will not be in the world at that time.
The thinking of big bang is not right
During the research it will be possible that your research team will find that there are some persons whose believe is that there is no God or Lord or Almighty Allah and this universe came in existence by itself without any creator by the suddenly thud. According to the research of mine this is not right by many reasons. The first is that they have not any undeniable proof on theirs believe and thinking. They have said only by their mind and their guise and it is not necessary that their guise only without any proof will be right while I have a practical, undeniable and reliable proof with eyewitness that there is a any one who have super power and who created this universe, and all things of this universe obey to Him and a majority of the mankind worship to Him. We call Him by the name of God, or Lord or Allah greatest.
The proof on it is the protected dead bodies of those Martyrs (who were slain in the way of religion Islam) and other true millions Muslims in their graves under the earth without use any chemical on their dead bodies in fresh and sleeping condition since centuries and years. These protected dead bodies are practical proof because we can practice that we will choose 100 persons from the Muslims and we will give their names, their fathers name with their address that the United Nations can watch them.
It is sure that after their death when they will be hidden in their graves under the earth after passing the three months when you will check their dead bodies by machine you will find some of them that they have protected. Then It will be practical proof on being the creator of this universe because it is perfect near every one that the earth has not capacity to protect them, there was no any machine for that purpose, and not used any chemical on their dead bodies also then how they become protected? It will be necessary in this situation that we can say that there is any one who is powerful and He protected their dead bodies? Surely it is right and we call Him by the name of God, Lord, and Allah greatest. So my research is practical, reliable and undeniable and by this proof I say that theirs believe is not right.
I have eyewitness proof also that there are thousands persons who have seen the protected dead bodies of Martyrs of religion Islam and other true Muslims in their graves with their eyes but some of them they entered in their graves and toughed by their hands to their dead bodies. They found their dead bodies in fresh and sleeping condition like the alive persons. So our proof is eye witness and proves that there is a God and the earths also obey to Him.
The believe of big bang and thinking is not right because the followers of this thinking are only in a group while those who have believe that there is a God who created this universe are in majority so the believe of majority will be accepted and the believe of a group will be rejected according the role of world and commonsense too. I think it is enough for reject believe of big bang.
Where Did Everything Come From?
What is the proof?
Islam tells us Allah is both The Creator & The Evolver, of all that exits. We know Allah did not evolve us from monkeys, and we know all things are from Allah. Please share this information with those who deny the existence of God. They need it.
There is a popular theory referred to as the \'Big Bang\' theory. It tries to explain the existence of the universe in an evolutionary manner having an initial beginning with an immense explosion of some gases or solid mass. Some say there first was a void or ’nothingness’, or perhaps, some gases which exploded then from this everything in the universe simply began to evolve to the stage that we see now. There has never really been any solid evidence for this idea of \'something out of nothing\' concept. Nor for that matter, the evolutionary theory itself.
We would like to explore the idea of creation from a purely logical standpoint using simple terminology without religious hype, emotional pre-convictions or superstitions. What if someone called a \'scientist\' tells you his \'theory\' of how cars are made is like this:
A salvage yard on the south side of town blows up and all the metal pieces fly into the air and fall back down in one place forming a brand new Chevrolet Caprice automobile.. with no left over parts.. and the motor is running.. Or what if his theory for how a chair is made is:
An explosion occurs in a forest and the trees go flying into the air and then suddenly they combine with some flying cloth to make a beautiful chair... and then it lands in a furniture showroom complete with matching table and lamp... He further explains that:
An earthquake in California\'s \'Silicon Valley\' causes the computer chips and circuit boards and other various parts to fall out of their boxes and off of their shelves and just come in place together as they are rolling around on the floor and form the most advanced technical computers existing on the earth?... Or what of his \'Medicine Theory\'? He now claims that:
A gas leak in a pharmacy warehouse causes a terrific explosion. All the different chemicals and substances just smash into each other in exactly the correct amounts to produce a miracle drug which cures everything form cancer to heart and liver disease, old age and warts?... Wait... there\'s more to this one:
It is all in one formula, packaged in the bottles with labels and ready to sell with no mess left on the floor?... Now after all this exploding and excitement this \'scientist\' tells you of a great place to relax and have something to eat. It is his favorite place and he calls it: \"Burger Blast\"! He says:
You just go in and sit down and suddenly a \'blast\' from the kitchen occurs and immediately a burger lands right in front of you with all the trimmings.. just the way you like it complete with fries, a drink and even your favorite dessert?... AND...
No one works at \"Burger Blast\", it just runs itself, automatically cleaning itself and as you leave it scans your billfold for a valid credit card and charges your bank account for what you have eaten?...
Now the question is: \"Are you really going to accept any of this as \'fact\'?\"
Of course not!
We wouldn\'t believe a new car is made from flying junk; chairs don\'t fall down from exploding trees; earthquakes do not produce computers and blasting burgers don\'t rain down on us from above.
Question: So how come we don\'t challenge a theory of something coming from nothing and then colliding in the cosmos to make the universe? Is it because of its tremendous magnitude that we have so little comprehension about it, that we are willing to accept any theory from a few telescope \'peeping Toms\' to tell us that it came from \'nothingness\'? Or just some gases colliding and then... \'Poof\'!? Instant Universe? How?
There are 2 questions from me to the all Non-Muslims of the world
From the beginning of revelation of Holy Quran on last holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) there were many peoples who were in doubt about the Holy Quran and according my knowledge (until 2009) also there are 75% of mankind Non-Muslims probably in the world, and they have doubt about the Islamic religious book Holy Quran that this book is surely the verses of God (who is only one and has created this universe) or has fabricated by anyone?
The proof on it is that if they have no doubt about this book and they have faith that this Holy book is surely the verses of Almighty Allah then why they do not accept it by their saying? And why they do not accept believes of this book? And why they do not follow teaching of this book? But I have proof that they have hate from this Holy Book and its followers? So it has declared that they have doubt about the Holy Quran that this is the book of Almighty Allah or has fabricated by anyone? Therefore Allah had mentioned also their doubt and way for ending their doubt from their mind (because He loves His creatures 70% more than mother of everyone) and after that He threatened to those disbelievers who will not end their doubt from their mind, and will not accept the Holy Quran as verses of Almighty Allah (means will not enter in religion Islam) to the fire after their death prepared for them and which fuel is of men and stones as it has mentioned in Surah no 2 verse no 23,24 “And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, (Muhammad) then bring a Surah similar to this, and do call your supporters other than Allah, if you are true. But if you do not-and you will never be able to-then guard yourselves against the fire, the fuel of which will be men and stones. It has been prepared for disbelievers.”
Please think in this verse that Allah Almighty what says to the disbelievers and think in what I have said in details in the light of other verses of Holy Quran you will find all that right by the mercy of Almighty Allah. Please study the details of this challenge if you like in my web site
So there are two questions from me to the all Non-Muslims of the world.
The first is that Allah has been challenging in the Holy Quran since fourteen hundred years (since the time of holy prophet Muhammad) until this time and this challenge is forever that if the disbelievers or Non-Muslims have doubt about this holy book then they bring a Surah in Arabic language fabricated who contains at least on ten words and not be copy of any complete Surah of this book in words and meanings. The question is that why they could not bring a Surah in Arabic language fabricated from any one (beside the God)? While this challenge has been coming in holy Quran since fourteen hundred years until this time and but this challenge is forever too?
And while there were majority of them who wanted to end the religion Islam from the world? And while this time also they hate to this holy book and some of them dishonor to it too? And while they are rich and they can learn the Arabic language which is the language of this holy book that they can answer its challenge and bring a fabricated Surah? And while they can hire the millions Arabian scholars who are expert in Arabic language and whose mother language is the language of the holy Quran? And while some of them are very intelligent that they have made the dangerous bombs, they have created the modern technologies and other wonderful things, they reached on the moon, they are called super power, they have control on the world, then after it all why they do no create a Surah at least in ten words in Arabic language like the Holy Quran at this time and why they could not do so in past also before the fourteen hundred years?
I want answer this Question from all Non-Muslims of world because this is the easy way to end the religion Islam and Muslims from the world forever because the basis of this religion is Holy Quran. And it is easy way to defeat the terrorist group like the Taliban, Alqaidah and other groups who are the enemies of the Non- Muslims? But after it all I challenge that they all will never answer the challenge of Holy Quran. If they did so then it is an easy way to end the religion Islam from the world and then they would save the much more money which they spend in preparing the wars against Islam and Muslims?
If they will succeed in bring a Surah like the Holy Quran then I and other Muslims also will be Non-Muslim and if they will not succeed in bring a Surah like the Holy Quran then they should enter in religion Islam and became the Muslims too.
The second question from me for them is that there are millions protected dead bodies of Muslim Martyrs (who were slain in the way of Almighty Allah) and other true Muslims also in their graves under the earth in fresh and sleeping condition without use any chemical on their dead bodies in cemeteries of Muslims in Muslim countries and in Non-Muslim countries also since the centuries and years but why the any dead body of any Non-Muslim has not protected in his grave under the earth in fresh and sleeping condition without use any chemical on his dead body in cemeteries of Christians, Jews, and other Non-Muslims in any country of world?
If I could not prove what I have said about the protected dead bodies of Muslims in above I will be Non-Muslim and if they could not prove any protected dead body of Non-Muslim as I have said in above then they should be enter in religion Islam and became the Muslims.
My Non-Muslim brothers and sisters if you have any protected dead body of any one from you as I have said in above then invite us, we will go in group maximum in ten persons to research that. If we will find any protected dead body from you as I have said in above we will be Non-Muslims at that time and we will announce by the electronic and print media also that the religion Islam is not the rightful religion.
And if you want to research what I have said about the protected dead bodies of Muslims then come to us we will prove you but we will show you the protected dead bodies of Muslims by opening their graves. If you will be satisfy by eyewitness and with touching the protected dead body by your hands then you will enter in religion Islam and you will announce by the electronic and print media that the religion Islam is rightful religion and except it all religions are cancelled and changed by the mankind.
Why I have said that I will be Non-Muslim if I could not prove what I have said above about the protected dead bodies of Muslims because these are already in Holy Quran and I have described with details in my web
So I am sure that what it said in Holy Quran is right because I have practiced on all sayings of this holy book. There is no time to go in details that how I knew the truthfulness of Holy Quran and how I practiced on it?
Now I am waiting that who is the brave that will answer my two questions? And who is the keen to know the reality of rightful religion? And who wants to seek the pleasure of God? And who want to succeed in this second life after his death?
There are two questions from me to the all Muslims of the world.
The one is if they are sure that the Holy Quran is verses of Almighty Allah and what is said in it is useful for Muslims then why they do not pass their lives according its teaches because there are a majority of corrupt and bad character Muslims and if they have doubt anything about this Holy book then why they do not bring a Surah like the Holy Quran?
The second Question is that according my research there are millions protected dead bodies of Martyrs (who are slain in the way of greatest Allah) and other true Muslims in their graves under the earth in fresh and sleeping condition without use any chemical on their dead bodies in Muslim cemeteries in countries of world since centuries and years but why there are a majority of Muslims that their dead bodies are not protected in earth?
Please think about it deeply and find out there for it, it will be very useful for you in this world and hereafter too.
The true events of protected dead bodies of Muslims
Please refer to our True Stories section for all events of protected dead bodies of True Muslims and Muslim Martyrs.
The undeniable proofs of religion Islam
One of the undeniable proofs of religion Islam is the protected dead bodies of many true Muslims in earth for centuries. I want to go in detailed conversations by the questions and answers on protected dead bodies of many Muslims in earth. Please study it as a neutral person free from jealousy and think to find the reality because it will be useful for you in this world and after death too. It is reality that no body will help you or support you when your eyes will be closed forever. So be sure that you accept, Islam it will be supporter and helper for your dead body and your soul also.
After a short briefing now I am going in details by questions and answers on protected dead bodies of many truthful Muslims in earth since centuries.