Oct 3, 2013

Is Not there Any Sincere Rich Muslim in the World for Islam?

 Is not there any rich and sincere Muslim in the whole world who can arrange us a big field and enough woods in Karachi, Pakistan, so that we will defeat all false religions with fire burning challenge and declare Islam as one true religion in front of world to finish wars among countries which are reasons of poverty and illiteracy due to religions?

There are some Muslim Saints ready to enter in big fire without using any chemicals on their bodies for proving the truth of religion Islam in front of world.

I ensure that there will not be any non-Muslim religious leaders to enter in big fire with these Muslim Saints without using any chemicals on their bodies for proving the truth of their religion.

By this way, we will defeat all false religions in the world and then religion Islam will overcome on all religions by the permission of Allah.

It is necessary and very important at this time because presence of many religions at a time in world is continuously destroying human beings.

So, I request to all rich and sincere Muslims that help us about this important purpose. For more details please study deeply How We Can Solve Important Problems of All Human Beings.

It is He who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the true religion (Islam) to make it prevail over all other religions; And sufficient is Allah as Witness.
Al-Fath, Surah # 48; Verse # 28

It is He who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the true religion (Islam) to make it prevail over all other religions; even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) hate (it).
Tawbah, Surah # 9; Verse # 33