Jan 14, 2013

Why Mujahideen and Saints of Islam Should Not Bury their Dead Bodies

I had researched two undeniable and most powerful proof of true religion the Islam to overcome on all other incomplete, cancelled or wrong religions forever. However, Non-Muslims of the world could not face them due to lack of capacity because one of them was very costly therefore I was unable to demonstrate that and Muslims did not help me in this regard at all.

One undeniable proof was the demonstration of some true Muslims to enter in the fire without use of any chemicals on their bodies in front of the world through media and invitation to all Non-Muslims to enter in fire without use of any chemicals on their bodies like the Muslims. I ensured that no non-Muslim can accept this invitation and truthfulness of Islam will be revealed to the people of the world, and no one could stop the Non-Muslims to enter in true religion the Islam. But it is sad that I could not arrange it because Muslims did not support.

The second undeniable and most powerful proof was protected dead bodies of millions of Muslim Martyrs, Saints and other True Muslims in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood in their graves under the Earth since centuries without use of any chemicals and there is not even a single protected dead body of any Non-Muslim in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood without use of chemicals. This proof is hidden and people of the world cannot see it because this proof also needed media for coverage throughout the world and I don't have it.

Therefore, I researched a third undeniable and most powerful proof on being the religion Islam true and all other religions incomplete, cancelled or wrong near the God who created this universe. That is to keep dead bodies of Muslim Martyrs and Saints on the Earth and do not bury them under the grave. By this method, we can demonstrate the dead bodies which are protected in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood without use of any chemicals for their protection. Non-Muslims, who don't believe it can see them, test and verify for their satisfaction and believe that this protection is by the God himself for only the true followers of true religion, which is the Islam.

I'm sure in the light of the Holy Quran that dead body of any Non-Muslim can never remain protected anywhere on the planet in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood without use of any chemicals or embalming technique. Also, none of the Non-Muslim in the world can challenge that his/her dead body will remain protected after death. So it is perfect that if millions of dead bodies of Muslim Martyrs and True Muslims can remain protected in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood under the grave, then it is certainly possible that their dead bodies will also remain protected in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood without use of any chemicals on the Earth too.

Therefore, I request to all Mujahideens in Islam (who can be Martyrs in future) and Saints of Islam that they leave following testament for their heirs-at-law for overcoming the religion Islam through their protected dead bodies in fresh and sleep-like condition on the Earth because it will be a miracle from them by the mercy of Almighty Allah and then Non-Muslims will begin to enter in Islam by seeing this reality and miracle.

The words of testament are:

"I order to my heirs-at-law that after washing, shrouding and paying the prayer on my dead body, don't bury it and wait from one week to one month. If my dead body begins to give the bad smile then bury it and understand that Almighty Allah did not accept my wish to protect my dead body. If it does not give bad smile and remains in fresh condition for at least one month then understand that the Almighty Allah accepted my wish to protect my dead body so leave it and don't bury it. It will be a miracle and the sign on being the truthfulness of religion Islam and Non-Muslims can see my dead body and enter in Islam."

This testament is lawful according to religion Islam especially when it has a biggest benefit for preaching it and it is also confirmed that the fourth Caliph of Islam respected Ali (peace be upon him) had ordered to his heirs-at-law to not bury his dead body. But this does not mean that Muslims do anything against the religion Islam due to protected dead bodies. So the Muslims can come to see this protected dead body for developing their faith and the Non-Muslims can come to see it and believe in it as a sign from Almighty Allah for his one and true religion so they can start accepting the Islam. If Mujahideens follow my advice, then I'm sure that no one can stop the overcoming of Islam over all religions if we will have thousands of protected dead bodies of True Muslims in fresh and sleep-like condition on the Earth that can be seen by Non-Muslims.

May Almighty Allah give us the power and help for it.