Jul 22, 2012

Challenge of Fresh Dead Body with Blood to All Non-Muslims

By the mercy of Almighty Allah, I challenge to all non-Muslims religious leaders and followers that they cannot show any protected dead bodies of any non-Muslims in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood without used any chemicals on their dead bodies since the death of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to yet. Also, all non-Muslim armies who are murdered in the field of war fighting against Muslim armies’ dead bodies did not protect in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood because the creator of this universe Almighty Allah or God is angry on non-Muslims due to following the incomplete and cancelled religions.

I promise to all non-Muslims of the world that if they succeed in showing any protected dead body in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood since the death of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to yet then, I will become a non-Muslim and accept their religion.

It is my open challenge forever and they cannot do it because the Holy Quran says that their religions are not acceptable to the God who created this universe as it is mentioned in Chapter # 3, Verse # 85 "whoever seeks a faith other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him to God, and him, in the hereafter, will be among the losers". So it is clear that all religions (except religion Islam) are incomplete or cancelled since the time of Holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). By this reason the Almighty Allah (God) is angry on all non-Muslims in this world and there is punishment for them after their death as it is mentioned in Chapter # 2, Verse # 161-162 "Indeed, those who disbelieved and died while they were disbelievers, upon them the curse of Allah, and of angels and of all human beings together in a way that they will remain in it forever, Neither the punishment will be lightened for them, nor will they be given despite".

Therefore, I challenge that there will not be any dead body of any disbelievers or non-Muslims in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood because the punishment begins right after their death thus their dead bodies decay. So in this condition how could it be possible that any dead body of them will be protected in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood? Of course, it will not and never be forever.

But I can show them millions protected dead bodies of Prophets, Muslim Martyrs, Muslim armies who were slain in the way of Almighty Allah or murdered in the field of wars fighting against non-Muslims and disbelievers because only religions Islam is acceptable to Allah (God) as it is mentioned in Chapter # 3, Verse # 19, "truly the (recognized) religion in the sight of Allah is Islam" and in Chapter # 5, Verse # 3, is that the religion Islam is completed by the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as Allah says: "Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and have completed my blessing upon you, and chosen Islam as Din (religion and a way of life) for you".

So I challenge that the dead bodies of true followers of religion Islam will always be protected in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood because they are followers of true religion, which is completed by the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muslim armies who were slain in the way of Islam or in the field of wars fighting against disbelievers their dead bodies are also protected in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood since the time of holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) because Allah (God) is happy from them that they are slain in his way (means in the way of Islam) as Allah says in Chapter # 2, Verse # 154 "Do not say of those who are slain in the way of Allah (God) that they are dead, instead, they are alive, but you do not perceive" and Allah say in Chapter # 3, Verse # 169 "Never take these killed in the way of Allah as dead, rather they are alive with their lord, well-provided".

So it is perfect that the words of Allah in the holy Quran are 100% true and therefore I challenged that I can show millions protected dead bodies of Muslim Martyrs and armies in fresh and sleep-like condition with fresh blood because they are alive and well provided near the God, but we do not perceive.

If non-Muslims promise that they will enter in Islam, I will show protected dead bodies as I challenged. It is quite possible that disbelievers do not believe on my research or what I have said above, but it is a reality and a sign from Allah who is creator of this universe for disbelievers to accept the truth of religion Islam and enter in it as Allah says in Chapter # 41, Verse # 53 "we will show them our signs in the universe and within their own beings until it will become manifest to them that it is the truth".

So, is it not enough that the God is witnessing on everything? I am sure that non-Muslims will think deeply with open mind and accept my challenge.