There is a protected dead body of a famous Muslim scholar Moulana Ashiq Elahi merathi (May Allah creator bless him) in the Jannatul Baqee (which is the holy cemetery of Madina in Saudi Arabia). I was informed about this event by a reliable friend of mine, that his grave was opened after three years according to the role of the Saudi Arabia Government. His dead body was found in protected condition, after three years they opened again to check that his dead body was protected or not? It is wonderful that his dead body was protected.
The Jannatul Baqi cemetery is in a boundary and it is not large enough for a majority of Muslims dead bodies so they check all graves after all three years. If they find any grave empty that its dead body has decayed then they use that grave for other new dead body and if they do not find any grave empty from the dead body because the dead body protected, they do not use that grave for another dead body, but they check that grave after three years again, if they find that it is not empty and there is the protected dead body, they sign on that grave and do not open that grave in future. By this role they opened the grave of Moulana Ashiq Elahi Merathi to check whether his dead body had decayed or not?The information about this role of the Saudi Government reached me by my friend above and it is understood. But if anybody has doubt about this event, he can ask the grave digger of cemetery of Jannatul Baqee, he will satisfied by the mercy of Allah greatest, but it is possible that he will know about more protected dead bodies of Muslims.