Sep 26, 2024

Power Show of True God for Resurrection in Front of World Media and Public

With the name of God who gives the life thousands of lifeless fetus in womb of their mothers daily:

Power show of true God and other gods in front of peoples of world practically through world media and social media:

Dear 6 Billion Non-Muslims of the world !

Let us fix a place, a date, and a time and we announce on social media, world media that a power show of true God and false gods is going to be held at this place on this date. 

So people of the world should gather there to watch this power show.

Non-Muslims will say their gods to give life in a lifeless human body and Muslims will say to their God Almighty Allah ( الله تعالى) to give life  in a lifeless human body.

If gods of Non-Muslims raise up the dead then Muslims will leave "Islam" and will  accept the Christianity, Judaism, or Hinduism etc. 

If God of Muslims raised up the dead then 6 Billion Atheists and Non-Muslims of the world will believe in Almighty Allah and revert to religion "Islam".

Do you agree with this program or not?

Claim of Almighty Allah  in Holy Quran Chapter 2 Verse 28 is that He gives the life in lifeless fetus in womb of their mothers daily: 

أَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

كَيۡفَ تَكۡفُرُوۡنَ بِاللّٰهِ وَڪُنۡتُمۡ اَمۡوَاتًا فَاَحۡيَاکُمۡ‌ۚ ثُمَّ يُمِيۡتُكُمۡ ثُمَّ يُحۡيِيۡكُمۡ ثُمَّ اِلَيۡهِ تُرۡجَعُوۡنَ (28)


How is it that you adopt the attitude of disbelief towards Allah when the fact is that you were lifeless and He gave you life,(in womb of mothers) and He will take away life from you (in this world) and will again restore you to life:(after death) then you shall ultimately return to Him (the day of judgment).

Your Human Brother

Maulana Abrar Alam Pakistani


0092 345 22 15 476

0092 311 66 22 218

1 August 2024

Sep 10, 2024

Which God Gives Life to Thousands of Fetuses in Wombs?

God is only Allah "اللہ " who gives the life to thousands of fetuses daily in the wombs of their mothers at the beginning of the 120th day.

He who can't resurrect the dead again in this world can't be a God Creator. 

So I ask you that can your God 


your religious person

resurrect the dead in front of the world media without help of any one? 

أَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

كَيۡفَ تَكۡفُرُوۡنَ بِاللّٰهِ وَڪُنۡتُمۡ اَمۡوَاتًا فَاَحۡيَاکُمۡ‌ۚ ثُمَّ يُمِيۡتُكُمۡ ثُمَّ يُحۡيِيۡكُمۡ ثُمَّ اِلَيۡهِ تُرۡجَعُوۡن.


"How is it that you adopt the attitude of disbelief towards Allah when the fact is that you were lifeless and He gave you life, and He will take away life from you and wilt again restore you to life: then you shall ultimately return to Him".

(Holy Quran Chapter 2 Verse 28).

Maulana Abrar Alam Pakistani 


0092 345 22 15 476

0092 311 66 22 218

Sep 7, 2024

Natural Proofs on Truth of Islam

The Earth:

The Earth is nature. It cannot tell a lie, favor or support wrong thinking, wrong beliefs, or wrong lifestyles. It is 100% true and neutral. It obeys only the true God or true followers of God. It doesn't obey any other fabricated gods, followers of fabricated gods, or atheists.

The irrefutable proof of the above commentary is that there are hundreds of fresh dead bodies with fresh blood of Muslim martyrs and saints who have been preserved from decay in their graves for centuries and years without the use of any chemicals. When their graves were opened naturally or legally for any reasons, we discovered them in the above condition. Our doctors have examined them, and there are thousands of eyewitnesses as well. We will not dig their graves for every person at their personal desires because you are 5 billion non-Muslims in the world at this time.

So, if you are sincere about the truth but do not trust us, then contact us with your doctors, researchers, and media team to discuss the research on these fresh dead bodies. If you refute the above research, we will pay you 1 million dollars, and we will be ready to face any punishment from you in front of the world media. Otherwise, accept our research and enter in Islam. Do not judge Islam based on the actions of some bad Muslims because Islam is perfect, but all Muslims are not perfect.

According to my research, there are no fresh dead bodies with fresh blood of any atheists and non-Muslims that are preserved from decay under the Earth or on the Earth for centuries and years without the use of any chemicals. Therefore, it is 100% proof that there are no other gods except Almighty Allah, and the Earth (nature) does not support or obey any fabricated gods or followers of fabricated gods or atheists.

The Air:

The air is nature. It cannot tell a lie, favor or support wrong thinking, wrong beliefs, or wrong lifestyles. It is 100% true and neutral. It obeys only the true God or true followers of God. It doesn't obey any other fabricated gods, followers of fabricated gods, or atheists.

The 100% proof of this is that if you leave intact the dead bodies of all soldiers who fought against each other in the name of their gods and religion intact on the Earth, only Muslim martyrs will remain in a fresh condition with fresh blood, while their enemies will decay.

There are two questions for all atheists and non-Muslims:

Why do the dead bodies of Muslim soldiers who are slain in the way of Islam remain in a fresh condition with fresh blood? And why do the dead bodies of all atheists and non-Muslim soldiers who are murdered in the way of their religions not remain in a fresh condition with fresh blood?

Why did God not preserve the dead bodies of your soldiers who sacrificed for Him, and why did the God of Islam, Almighty Allah, preserve the dead bodies with fresh blood of those Muslim soldiers who sacrificed for Him?

The Fire:

It is perfect that the Fire is nature. It does not have the capacity to save any human body from bunring in it. So, if a Muslim goes in it without using any chemicals and he is immune to burn, then it will be a miracle and a 100% proof on truth of Islam. And, look how intransigents are majority of atheists and non-Muslims that they do not agree to demonstrate such miracle and if we Muslims are ready to demonstrate such miracle (by the mercy of Allah) then they are not even willing to convert to Islam.

Dear atheists and non-Muslims, I ask you that if a Muslim goes in Fire without using any chemical on his body in front of world media and he is immune to burn in it, then will you all convert to Islam or not?

If yes, then fix a time, date, and place and start an announcement in the whole world because you are 5 billion and it is impossible that we enter in Fire for every atheist and non-Muslim to prove the truth of Islam.

The Water:

The water is a nature. Our claim is that it only obeys the God of Islam or only true followers of God of Islam. So please study following research and event that is proof on our claim

Prophet Moses and his followers (peace be upon them) were escaping from Egypt. When they reached to the Red Sea, they prayed to Almighty Allah. Allah the exalted said to Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) to hit the Red Sea with his staff. When the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) hit the Red Sea, then sea split in two parts and they found the open path to cross the sea. So, the Prophet Moses and his followers (peace be upon them) crossed the sea.

The Pharaoh Ramesses and his army who were chasing the Prophet Moses and his followers (peace be upon them) reached to Red Sea. They found the open path, so they walked on dry ground following them, but when they reached in the middle of Red Sea, the sea joined back on them and they drown in it.

After this event, Almighty Allah saved the dead body of Pharaoh forever as a sign for atheists and non-Muslims.

So according to head of archaeologist and anatomical scientists the Professor Maurice Bucaille (who converted to Islam after his research) and according to Holy Quran, Pharaoh Ramesses died in the Red Sea following the Prophet Moses and his followers (peace be upon them).

For details on research of Professor Maurice Bucaille on this event please study “The Dead body of Pharaoh” in the article section on

Commentary on this event:

(1) This event is 100% true. So this event proves that there is existence of a God Almighty Allah (who is God of Islam and the God of Prophet Moses) because Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) hit the red sea via his staff by the order of Almighty Allah and the red sea obeyed the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and his God Almighty Allah.

(2) This event also proves that water obeys the God Almighty Allah and His true followers because when the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) hit the red sea via his staff by the order of Almighty Allah, it divided in two parts and gave the way for Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and his followers.

(3) There are some true Muslim followers of Almighty Allah who can split the red sea in two parts at this time too in front of world media by the order of Almighty Allah but only if  5 billion atheists and Non-Muslims will agree to convert to Islam.

(4) My challenge forever is that there is no other God except Almighty Allah who is the God of Islam. If anyone from non-Muslims claims that there is another God except Almighty Allah, then he should prove his God by only neutral, natural, practical and irrefutable miracles in front of world media.

 (5) I also challenge forever that there is no atheist or non-Muslim who can claim that the water obeys or supports him.

References from Holy Quran:

Holy Quran, Surah 10, Verse 90-92

We took the Children of Israel across the sea: Pharaoh and his hosts followed them in insolence and spite. At length, when overwhelmed with the flood, he said: "I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in: I am of those who submit (to Allah in Islam).

(It was said to him): "Ah now!- But a little while before, wast thou in rebellion!- and thou didst mischief (and violence)!

This day shall We save you in your body, that you may be a Sign to those who come after you! But verily, many among mankind are neglectful of Our Signs”

Holy Quran, Surah 41, Verse 53

We shall (continue to) show them Our evidence in the world and within their souls until it becomes clear that the Quran is the truth. Is it not sufficient for you that your Lord witness all things?

Holy Quran, Surah 7, Verse 179

We have destined many men and jinn for hell. They have hearts but do not understand, eyes but do not see. They have ears but do not hear. They are worse than lost cattle. These are the heedless ones.

Apr 14, 2023

Disbelievers of ALLAH Should Leave EGO and Accept Islam

 All disbelievers of Allah should revert to religion "Islam" for ending wars, poverty and illiteracy because all the creatures of nature are only under control of 'Allah' the God of Islam.

This is the only solution to help people of whole world to live with true peace of their mind, tranquility of their heart and harmony in their life because all people will become the follower of true religion 'Islam' of their Lord and God whose personal name is 'Allah'.

By writing and by voice, Allah has proved through nature in the 21st century that Allah is the only God who controls nature whereas the artificial gods could not do it and could not stop Allah. Therefore, all non-Muslims should use their intellect and enter Islam immediately so that....

Through this way, all disbelievers of Allah can be saved from their painful punishment after their death as it is clearly warned by Allah in His book (Holy Quran 3:91)

Why religion Islam only?
Because the nature earth is in Control of God of Islam only.

Feb 21, 2023

Who Are in Good Condition After Death And Who Are in Bad Condition After Death?


  • Who are in good condition after death and who are in bad condition after death surely? 
  • Please check if your brain is working properly or is it under control of devils and evils?
  • Can you refute this coming information of the Holy Quran?

According to Holy Quran 2:161-162 all Atheists and Non-Muslims go in punishment condition after death.

Indeed, those who disbelieved and died while they were disbelievers, upon them is the curse of Allah, and of angels, and of all human beings together, in a way that they will remain in it forever. Neither the punishment will be lightened for them, nor will they be given respite.

But according to Holy Quran 3:169-170 all pious Muslims go in good condition after death. 

Never take those killed in the way of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, well-provided, happy with what Allah has given them of His grace; and they feel pleased with the good news, about those left behind them who could not join them, that there shall be no fear for them nor shall they grieve.

If you do not believe in above then see their conditions in their graves or in their Samadhi through these children or through other people with their third eye opened.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Jan 19, 2023

Challenge of Resurrection of Dead from Grave to All Non-Muslims

 The universe is only in control of Almighty ALLAH the God of Islam. I challenge that it is not in control of imaginary Gods of any non-Muslims.

Dear Non-Muslims of the World

Fix a date, time and place and announce in whole world for three months that the true follower of true religion of true God will resurrect the Dead from the Grave.

Let's gather at that location with world media and at that day, I will resurrect the Dead from the Grave by the permission of Almighty Allah and you all convert to Islam if I did so. OR, any one from you resurrect the Dead from the Grave then we all Muslims will leave the Islam if you did so.

So, who is ready from you non-Muslims for this ultimate practical challenge?

Oct 17, 2022

Why Do We Preach Through Nature?

 We preach only through nature and its behavior, and present the Qur'an and authentic hadiths as support because nature is 100% neutral and acceptable to all Muslims and non-Muslims.

Books and religious leaders are not acceptable to all human beings, so religious differences could not end with them and religious wars have been going on for centuries, although it is written in all books that God is one, but we all humans could not discover the name of this one God.

Did nature tell what is the name of one true God?

Indeed, nature has revealed that the name of the one true God is only "Allah".

Dec 29, 2021

Nature's Behavior Supports Only One God Allah and Only One Religion Islam

 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It is written in all religious books, God is one.

It is not written in any book that Gods are two or more.

But for centuries the followers of all the religions of the world who believe in the existence of God have been at fight over the name of the God.

The followers of each religion say the name of God differently because of which hatred, enmity and wars have been going on between them for centuries due to which most of the human beings in the world have been suffering poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, starvation, incurable diseases, theft, robbery, suicide and also prostitution of women.

I think that if there is a conflict between religions in the name of God, to end it behavior of nature should be considered as an impartial judge that only the God and religion should be accepted which is supported by behavior of nature, and the God and religion should not be accepted which is not supported by behavior of nature then enmity and wars between human beings which have been going on for centuries can easily end and the whole world can become prosperous and paradise-like because all or most human beings will have agreed upon one God and religion and the world will be permanently peaceful and prosperous in which the rich and the poor will all have benefits.

Newborn human babies, cows, oxen, lions, chickens, hens, crows, cats, puppies, all these are clearly calling (testifying) only the God of Islam "Allah" Almighty.

None of them is calling any of the non-Muslim false gods or religious leaders.

We cannot say that these videos are fake because if that is the case then non-Muslims should also make videos in the name of their gods in which they are all calling (testifying) the name of their gods?

But these people can never do that, so it turns out that all these videos are real.

Also on clouds, trees, leaves, fishes, various human organs, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, onions, animals, birds and many other things, the name of "Allah" appears to be written naturally, which is a miracle of the Allah Almighty and a proof of the fact that what is said in the religious books that God is one, His name is surely "Allah".

Because the names of non-Muslim false gods or any of their religious leaders have not appeared on any of these things.

However, in my opinion, if this impartial and natural miracle of Allah Almighty is conveyed to the people of the world through the media and conferences, then there is no reason why all or most of the non-Muslims of the world believe in Allah Almighty as God/Ishwar/Bhagwan and do not enter the religion Islam.

Therefore, these videos and natural images of Allah's name should be shown to the people through Mosques, madrasas and conferences so that this miracle of Allah Almighty may reach all or most of the human beings by the grace and help of Allah Almighty and all or most human beings only become believers of Allah.

Allah Almighty has said in the Holy Quran (41:53)

Translation: "We will show them Our signs in the vastness of the heavens and the earth, and in their own selves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth, and is it not enough for your Lord to be a witness over everything?"

That is to say, He has spoken of showing His signs so that truth and falsehood may come to light.

This work also becomes very important as it is the best remembrance of Allah.

But resources are needed to convey this to the non-Muslims of the world, so we ask Allah Almighty to provide us with full resources for this work from the unseen, please.

You can contact us to cooperate or work.

An Islamic brother of yours
Moulana Abrar Alam Pakistani

WhatsApp numbers:

Apr 3, 2021

The Nature is Clearly Indicating the Name of King, Creator and God of Nature

 The nature is indicating clearly that King, Creator and God of this universe and mankind is only Allah "الله".

Now it is our responsibility that we all human beings correct our thinking and accept Allah as a real God Creator that we can be saved from Hell hereafter or reject Him and get punished after death in hereafter.

Creatures of Natures (100% neutral) are only in favor of God of Islam Allah "اللہ".

Please see that how the Bulls and Cows are repeating the name of Allah only.



You cannot bring any video of any Bulls or Cows who are saying any names of any Gods of Non-Muslims.


So there is no any God except Almighty Allah (اللہ ).


Hindus say that God is in every thing. If so then only God of Muslims is in everything because Newborn Human Babies, Lions, Cows, Bulls, Dogs, Cats, Rooster, Crows, Peacock say the name of Allah only. Any ones from them doesn't say any names of any Gods of Non-Muslims.


Name of Allah (Arabic: اللّٰه) by Newborn Babies


Name of Allah (Arabic: اللّٰه) by Puppies


Name of Allah (Arabic: اللّٰه) by Roosters / Chickens


Name of Allah (Arabic: اللّٰه) by Lions


Name of Allah (Arabic: اللّٰه) by Crows


Name of Allah (Arabic: اللّٰه) by Peacocks


According to Hindus the cows and Bulls are also their Gods. If so, then Hindus should also say the name of "Allah" with their tongues because their Gods Cows and Bulls, their mothers and fathers are saying the name of Allah with their tongues clearly.


Why the natures are not in favor of your Shakti Devi?

Why any Newborn Human Babies, Cows, Bulls, Lions, Roosters doesn't say the name of your any Gods?

Why they all say name of Allah only?
Why your any Gods don't stop these natures from saying of name of only Allah?

We can't establish peace in world permanently and we can't finish the poverty and illiteracy from the world until majority of us believe in only one God "Allah" because the presence of concept of many Gods is basic reason for wars and wars are reason for all major problems of the mankind.